Friday, October 17, 2008

FGF - Country Bob's Sauce

We have a winner!
Congrats to entry #33, Jillian!!
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Timestamp: 2008-10-20 13:06:29 UTC
Do you know what today is?

This week's giveaway is awesome. I entered a giveaway a few months back on another blog and won two bottles of this awesomely good Country Bob's Steak Sauce!!! I got two bottles, but because I'm such a great friend, I'm sharing one with one of you!!!

This stuff is amazing. You can use it with anything!!! It even comes with lots of dishes to use it with, and it makes everything taste even more awesomer (yes, that's right, awesomer).

Here's how to win:
1) Leave me a comment answering the question below. One comment per person, please!

2) Please mention my giveaway and blog link on your blog!!! If you do so, you may leave ONE more comment on my page for an extra chance to win!!

3) Winner will be posted Monday morning at 9 am. You have until 8 am to enter to win! I will use to pick a comment number winner.

4) Tell alllllll your lovely friends to enter for a chance to win! Who doesn't want to win an awesome gift like this?

What is your recommendation for me to wear on WHEEL OF FORTUNE? What does a blonde haired, blue eyed fair skinned lady look best in on national tv?

34 lovely comments:

Meg said...

Are you going to be on the Wheel of fortune? Thats awesommme.

I think you would look great in whatever you wear. you are beautiful!

Kelly said...

Well, as I've relayed befor, I believe that some stretch stirrup pants with your sequin tube top will do the trick. however, if you think the sequins will be too flashy, I would try something with puffy sleeves. People really get into that. I would top your outfit off with jellies, even though the audience wont' be able to see your bottom half, the jellies will boos your confidence. :D I'll be sure to tell Deborah my ideas as well on Saturday! :D

Mrs. Olsen said...

I would layer, like maybe a cute top with a little jacket. If you are anything like me you will be so excited/nervous that you will start sweating and really appreciate the extra layer when it's time to spin the wheel!

The Shillingburg's said...

Love the layering idea. Go with that. Nothing that will hinder spinning the wheel, clapping and screaming big money. :)

Anonymous said...

Power red, baby!

Both of my kids are blue-eyed, blonde-haired, super-pale-skinned... wait a minute. Maybe God gave me your kids by mistake! ;)

Anyway, they both look awesome in red.

G. said...

I love the wheel! When are you going to be on? Oh, and to answer your question...Purple. A nice jewel-toned purple would be lovely on you. :)

Whitney said...

I say to wear your FAVORITE color. It's your only time to be on Nat'l TV, so be sure and look your best! Baby blue would really make your eyes pop!

Lexy said...

I always think blondes look great in blue - but really this is your chance on national television so wear your favorite color! I agree that layering is a good idea. I'd also be careful about low-cut shirts - they sometimes do camera angles that go straight down.

Brandi said...

How awesome that you are going to be on Wheel of Fortune! That is my favorite gameshow! :) I, too, would be so nervous about what to wear. Although, with your blonde locks and blue eyes you can pretty much pull off anything. Just make sure you are comfortable. I also like the idea of a cute shirt and jacket with khakis or black slacks. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with purple... it's supposed to be the color of the season. I also like the layering idea. Those swing jackets are really cute and they won't be confining when your spinning the wheel.

Anonymous said...

RED! Well, second only to the silver tube top and accompanying sequence leg warmer worn on your right arm for when you spin the wheel! Does Gebbs not wathc WOF? They never show your feet! And, if they would have you ride a bike per chance , you would have to discard them for safty purposes.
See you tonight...must go...I have a house to clean and a cake to bake! Love, mom oxoxoxoxo your #1 WOF cheerleader!

Erin said...

Call Vana and see what she'll be wearing. Totally copy her.

Sweet Simplicity said...

You will of course look great in whatever you choose! I would recommend a bright color to make you stand out and pop against the other contestants. I'm not talking about lime green or anything. Maybe red or some shade of blue...

mommamia said...

I would layer and wear red or a aqua color would look good I think.

Unknown said...

I would wear a black shirt, with a fun colored chunky neclace. Top it off with a nice pair of fitted jeans for when you walk away with Pat for the big spin!!!! Good Luck Girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is totally weird, but I had a dream the other night (after seeing your facebook status) that you were on WOF wearing camo and really thick rimmed black glasses. Maybe not a good look for TV though...
Red might be a better choice :)

Susan said...

That's exciting! I think you need to wear your favorite clothes... whatever will help you feel your absolute luckiest!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so excited that you are going to be on this game show..

I think you should wear some shade of blue..

Elizabeth said...

OH my goodness... I love Country Bob sauce and did you know it was a Christian company based out of Southern Illinois? (where we're from!) More info that you ever cared to know about Country Bob's sauce. AS far as outfit goes, go with a bright jacket with a soft under shirt and maybe a nice bold necklace:) Whatever it is, hope you some BIG MONEY!!

In Definition said...

i agree with the vanna statement. sequins. sequins. sequins.

What's next said...

a great pair of black pants and a favorite color sweater or shirt, make sure you're comfortable in what you wear!

sassy stephanie said...

Hmm. My blue eyed blondie (and strawberry blondie) looks really good in turquoise. Noting with sparkles or sequins though. You will shine in the lights and look like an old lady who's only goal in life is to flash it out on a game show!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Definitely not pastel colors. I 'd say what's already been suggested; red, purple or blue. Nothing with a busy print or too trendy though.

I just have to say...How Exciting! Can't wait to find out when it will air!

Shala said...

I would go with a blue or a red. Something bright that doesn't wash you out.

Good luck!!

My Little Nest said...

I think blue or green look great on TV, and definitely layer. From photo experience, red can be funny under the lights, and sometime change skin tone. Have a great time!

Ripley F. :-) said...

Oh, yum! I hope I win the sauce...
I also have blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin. I know that layering always looks good on me!
Try some of your favorite shops...anything will look great!

Anonymous said...

You can never go wrong with black! A black dress or slacks with a black top.

Rachel said...

something's totally in and you will look fab!

Anonymous said...

how about black pinstripe dress pants and a light blue/light pink sweater or cardigan. maybe with some nice black flats, and pearls, yes! simple but classy, and im sure both those colors would look nice on you!

Linda said...

Congrats on being on WOF. You must let us know when it will air. Keep it simple - wear your favorite color and something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Good luck!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Wow, Wheel of fortune? How did you land that gig? I'd love to win the sauce I would suggest a solid colored top with black pants...maybe a bright pink like your blog or a nice vivid blue to go with your eyes????

HAVE FUN!!!!! Win BIG!!! :)And let us know when you will be on!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

HI! I"m back...I posted your giveaway on my blog to gain another entry! I still think you should wear the pink or the blue...b ut i liked some other suggestions of the purple! You will look great anyway!

Mistress Meeyee said...

Wear something in a blue bird color and maybe jeans because everyone wears jeans.

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

You have to tell us when you're going to be on the show!! That is soo cool! I was going to say you'd probably look great in a blue too! Probably a solid color instead of something with a big print! Anything you pick will look great :)

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