Well, based on all of the swap entry info, a majority of you are avid readers. So how many books do you have piled up on shelves, the corner of your desk, stuck under your pillow, sitting in the console of your car, or propping a door open?
The infestation of books need be no more!!! Check this bad boy out:

It is called the Amazon Kindle: a wireless, portable reading device that provides access to more than 125,000 books, newspapers, magazines and blogs. Each book allows you to read the first 3 chapters for free of charge. This will totally lighten up my carry-on on my next vacation :)
ps...all entries for the swap have been received! with as many people that signed up, its gonna take me quite a bit of time today to match up everyone. so you should receive an email with your swap buddy wednesday or thursday, at the latest :)
9 lovely comments:
Does it smell like a new book with crisp paper? Or like an old book with musty, yellowed pages??
I saw a lady on an airplane with one of these this summer. It was the first time I had ever seen one - I was amazed!
wow this is really cool... definitely good for vacations!
I'd take a real book over that thing anyday.
I know you all probably won't believe me but I thought of this idea several months ago. My hubby wants to "invent" something and this was one of our ideas - wait till I show him this! He will get a kick out of it.
Can't wait for the swap!
Hey you.
So I was thinking that maybe one day for your friday giveaways that you can use me. I can make a custom design layout for someones blog if they want one.
Think of all the bookcase space this would free up. Or in my case it would also free up floor and table and desk and boxes!
I've seen this advertised on Amazon, but I never really understood how it worked. Thanks for sharing!
i'm totally intrigued, except i LOVE the smell of books, and the feeling of actually turning a page... i know, i'm weird.
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