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Now, onto Tuesday's Trend!
Check out this awesome patio furniture. We are so getting one of these when we finish the deck! Manly, yet stylish :)

22 lovely comments:
I actually kind of like it! It is definitely crazy ... but it would work perfect on our tiny little balcony at my apartment!
Well, now. I don't know if I like it better put together or taken apart! I suppose if you have enough chairs already, this could be a neat deck decoration. Am I right about this?
Wow, from a torpedo to deck furniture. :)
That actually made me laugh! My husband builds rockets for a living, so I'm sure you can imagine what my mind was trying to process.
Never saw anything like that before - too fun!
I'm too short to be able to take that thing apart! I have never seen anything like that before. I'm not too crazy about it, although if you had limited space it could be a nice option...I guess.
I've never seen anything like that before! Very unusual, but very cool!
Thanks for your visit to my blog! I really appreciate your comments!
I will check out the swap! Thanks for telling me about it!
Come back and visit soon!
Have a great day!
When I first looked at it, I thought it was a missle or something! But, its cool!!
The candle is called Scentsy. If you click on the word in my posting about it on my blog, it *should* take you to the website and you can buy directly from there. There are so many styles and scents, I love it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I will be back to visit again soon :)
It's interesting, but frankly I'd like it better if the chairs had arms.
lol, that is hilarious!! good find, meeske, good find!
That is a really wild looking set of patio furniture; I just found your blog; it is very nice!
I have never seen anything like that...pretty cool! Don't think it would go with my decor on my deck tho...I'm kinda a shabby, junky kind of gal!
That is so wild! Oh good heavens, I hope Mr. Man does not see that thing. This reminds me of the white furry revolving , musical Christmas tree ornamented with gauche purple nylon balls he wanted to put in the front yard last year. Not that THIS is in bad taste, it's just plain wild.
It goes from unidentified missile to stylish rattan furniture...how fun is that??
Oh my goodness!
So very "Euro"... : )
Wow, that is one crazy contraption!
~ Sarah
Thanks so much for your comment on my guest post on Angie's blog! I hope you'll come visit my blog again sometime.
What an interesting set of patio furniture...sure is a space saver!
Is that not the most nifty thing you have ever saw?!
Thanks for coming by my blog...I may do the swap with you. I will let you know!
Awesome! I love how everyone looks so puzzled at the beginning. Very cool.
I saw this same type of thing on HGTV, they made a patio set for a fire station and when it was stacked together it was a huge fire hydrant!
That is so cool! I love it!
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