Awesome? Huh? Which one is your favorite??? i can't decide between the hair pulling and the bird :)
And for an extra bonus today, I would love to share with you a funny story contributed by my mom. They have a pond behind their "resort" where this blue heron visits frequently. My mom was telling me this story last week about him, and we decided he needed a name. Bobee seemed appopriate :) So, here's the story and pic of Bobee (who will surely be featured again) contributed by my Mom!
Last night as we finished dinner, Grandpa spied this VERY large Blue Heron, who had flown in and perched himself ON TOP of a large tree across the pond. He looked like an unstable Christmas tree topper. He seemed to LOVE his new found position as he looked down upon the ducks! Well, this morning when I was awaken by Ms. Elle (our dog)...and YES, she does rise before 8!, I looked out over the pond and saw "Bobee" scaring the ducks (I think because of his large size) as well as doing his morning "fishing". Around 8:30, I glanced out again and was startled by what I saw. Bobee had now made himself "captain" of the paddle boat! The ducks just starred at him...and had no comment! I ran and got my camera and he posed for quite a bit but then got bored with the photo shoot and swooped his expansive wing span and flew away...Oh, poor Bobee and his multi personality traits! Hope you enjoy!

21 lovely comments:
These are awesome! Like if I had them, I think I'd carry them as a purse! Why do none of the stores I shop at have clever bags? Why?
Love the bags! I like the jump rope bag and the child walking along with the "mom". Hilarious!
Oh, the Blue Heron...He was out there again yesterday...fishing...I think he is not the sharpest crayon in the box! He just kept walking and walking and walking out into the middle of the pond! He was out so deep that the water was up to his hind end and it appeared that he was just floating there...amongst the duckies. Then he lunged himself at lightning speed, under the water...totally disappearing and then reappeared...with NO fish! He shook his head a few times, starred at the ducks, who now, do not give him the time of day...and eventually, flew the coop! Oh, Bobee...what will he do next?
Love all of the post and Bobee the fare weather sea captain, still makes me smile! Thanks! Love, mom xoxoxoxooxox see you Thursday! :D
Those bags are so fun! Love them all...
I've seen some of those bags before, they're pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
All of those bags were awesome!
Oh those bags are funny!!
~ Sarah
Those bags are great! Where do people come up with these ideas!?! I think I like the hair pulling one the best!
Those bags are the best ever. Hilarious. I wish I could come up with something that clever.
Oh those are FUN bags! I think that is also really cool about Bobee! :) I neeeeeeed to go sign up for the swap!!
I love the bags....I think my fav is the pulling the hair one...just a riot!
What a goofy Bobee...I don't think I would get anything done..I'd be watching him all the time..lol.
Oh, the mouth and the goose are by far my favorites. I would totally buy the mouth if it was a purse!
Those are so funny!!! I wish I had a cool bag!!
I think they're all neat bags!! :) Thanks for your comment on my bloggy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I must say I have been lost in yours for a while now! So much fun! I think the "hair" bag is my favorite - too funny!
Those bags are hilarious!
Those are great! You find the neatest things to share.
What a beautiful bird. You're a good photographer.
Love those bags!!! They are so much fun. I like the hair pulling on.l
I love all those bags! How hilarious! But the heron...as a bird nerd, I am extremely jealous you had such a great photo op! : )
This is one of my favorite posts! I love the stretched head bag!!!
The bags are tooo cool...I think my favs are the hair pulling and the child with the adult holding their hand-very creative!
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