Before I rattle your brains, don't forget to
clickity click click click right here on this here SWAP link and sign your good ole self up!
So, how smart do you think you are? If you're a genius (which clearly I am not) can you explain to me how this darn thing works?
Think, people, think!!!

I'm losing sleep over this!!!
13 lovely comments:
They just WANT you to think it's magical :)
I'm pretty sure they could have done it in just 2 steps, but they throw in all that extra stuff just to make it seem like a bigger deal. When you first pick your number (I picked the pink 14) and you tell them what color it is, that narrows it down to 6 numbers. Then when they put them all in houses, they just arrange them differently. So, 14 is the only number in house C that was pink in the first grid. Make sense?
Or at least that's my theory.... not as much fun as them really being able to psychologically guess a number :)
haha, yeah I agree with Megan! I have always been baffled by things like this but one day Darin explained it to me and I was like...oooohhhhh!!!!
Well they guessed my number right!
When I was growing up, we did a card game similar to this and it always worked and we had our parents and "grown up" completely amazed. I don't remember how to do it now of course but it was so much fun!
It worked for me. IT'S MAGIC!
I'm too lazy, uh I mean tired, to try to figure this out.
Easy, they 'hear' you say the word outloud....hahaha! I have not a clue, but I know there has to be a logical explanation.
I thing Megan's got it nailed. Something with the color (I picked the hot pink 6) and then the house you choose. But I don't know how they do the first door you click on... hmm...
These things annoy me because to me they're not logical, and I always feel so STUPID. oh well!
I'm so easily entertained. AMAZING! LOL
Megan nailed it!
WHOA! That was great! LOL. How'd they DO that? I like the theory the first commenter left. Sounds good to me...enough challenging thinking for today...
Thanks for the fun!
I like the "it's magic!" answer!!
~ Sarah
Yeah, I agree with Megan. I did it twice and the second time looked at all the numbers that were the same color as mine. When the houses came up all of them were in different houses, so they knew the house you chose had the number you picked. But it's fun anyway!
Yah, what Megan said. Ha!
Honestly I just give up on figuring out those sort of tricks. My brain has too much to sort through as it is. ;-)
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