Friday, August 15, 2008

FGF - Pull Up a Chair

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Jim and Jessica!
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Thank you all for entering again this week. And just a reminder, we have TONS of fabulous donated gifts coming up the next few weeks. If you make or have something you'd like to donate and be featured for, please email me!
***Before we get started, I wanted to let you know there will be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on Monday Mayhem!!! So be sure to visit back!!***

I know you're smiling :)
This week's giveaway is fabulous! My wonderful friend, Lori Looney Keene, has recently written a book titled "Pull Up a Chair" and has donated a signed copy!!!

"Pull Up A Chair: You, Me and the Gospel of John" is a Bible study that walks you through all 21 chapters of the Gospel of John. It is written in a casual style which is ideal for one on one evangelism and discipleship. This is a great resources for someone to use when trying to witness to a friend or family member, as well as small groups of believers who want to strengthen their ability to confidently walk through a book of Scripture.

And here's a little bit about the author!

Lorie is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky where she earned a Masters of Divinity in Christian Education and is currently pursuing a PhD in Leadership and Education. Prior to serving the seminary as the current Assistant Director of Women’s Programs, Lorie worked as an ER nurse for 7 years and served in Poland with the International Mission Board for one year. It was through various opportunities that Lorie had to share her faith with co-workers and patients in the ER that Lorie wrote her new Bible study “Pull Up A Chair.”
Lorie was married to Stephen Keene in November of 2007 and currently lives in Pleasureville, KY where Stephen is the full time Children’s/Youth Minister at Pleasureville Baptist Church. Lorie works with Stephen in his youth ministry and leads a weekly Bible study to high school girls, along with leading the Women’s Ministry at her church.

1) Leave me a comment answering the question below. One comment per person, please!

2) Please mention my giveaway and blog link on your blog!!! If you do so, you may leave ONE more comment on my page for an extra chance to win!!

3) Winner will be posted Monday morning at 9 am. You have until 8 am Monday morning to enter to win! I will use to pick a comment number winner.

4) Tell alllllll your lovely friends to enter for a chance to win! Who doesn't want to win an awesome gift like this?

What is a life changing event that has happened in your life?

32 lovely comments:

Pleasant Living said...

Hmm. there have been so many. I'd say the thing that has changed my life the most is knowing the Lord. It affects every aspect of my existence - my marriage, my friendships, my finances, my hobbies, my choices/decisions. Yep, it's a pretty big deal.

SmilingSally said...

I accepted Christ when I was 26, and that is the most amazing change in my life--even greater than marrying and having children and grandchildren.

SmilingSally said...

I posted a link! It's in the very top right hand corner of my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Cool cover...sounds like a wonderful book! A life changing experience would have to be on December 18, 1989 about 3:00 p.m. at my kitchen table at our home on Corbin Drive. That is when I went from believing in God and Jesus to RECEIVING Jesus Christ(John 1:12) as my Lord and Savior. I acknowledged that I was a sinner and that even though I was a "good" person, my sin was offensive to His Holiness. The ONLY way to bridge that gap of relationship with God was through Jesus Christ. My friend had come over to borrow a book from me and as we sat at the kitchen table and talked, "spiritual matters" came up in our conversation. She brought out a little yellow book called the 4 spiritual laws and we read through it together. I had ALWAYS believed in God and Jesus, but reading the bible never made much sense to me. But now, as I read through this track and read the scripture references with her...I began to understand. I prayed and admitted that I saw that I was a sinner and the only way to be saved, to live now and eternally with God was to invite Jesus Christ into my heart and my life. To trust that He would be the One to show me what to do next and how to live as He would mold and shape me in His perfect way and time. At the end of that little book, Revelation 3:20 was quoted, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." My friend asked if I had ever seen the picture of Jesus standing by a door in a garden? I said yes, it was a huge picture that greeted me every Sunday that I walked into my church that I was raised in. She said, the artist of the painting had created that according to this verse. For there is no door knob on the side of the door where Jesus must open it up on the other side...and as she pointed out... that day, it was me! Three weeks later she had me in Creative Living Bible study with her and we were studying ...the Book of John! AWESOME! For the first time in my 35 years of life, I now read the bible and it was clear to me! For NOW, I had the Holy Spirit, His promise to me, to council me and guide me and teach me. Life has never been the same and God has given me His continued grace and mercy as He walks with me and reveals truth...His absolute truth to me every day. He will NEVER leave or forsake me. The next to the best day of my life was on March 9, 1997 when my husband, three daughters and myself were baptized TOGETHER by submersion! Long story I know...but you asked the question...and I thought the answer to be appropriate...according to the give a way. :D Love, mom oxoxoxox

Tara Smith said...

Oh my gosh - there are so many! I guess the one that stands out in my mind is when my 22 year old sister passed away and I took custody of her 6 month old daughter (while I was 5 months pregnant). Of course the circumstance changed my life but this is when I TRULY trusted God. I knew his plan and timing was perfect. I think before that I just half way trusted him because he wasn't doing things in MY time!

Anonymous said...

You know I do not have a blog but I just sent out a massive email to all of my bestest of friends telling them about the giveaway...hope that counts. :D Love, mom

Sara Fleming said...

this book looks really great!!! i love anything that brings me more intimacy with the Lord...there have been many life-changing moments during my years on this earth, but i would have to say that it would be the first time i went on a mission trip to a third-world country...i had been a Christian before that, but not the kind that really follows Jesus Christ...i was completely convicted and knew God was calling me to be a missionary as well...i completely surrendered my life after that, and really started walking the road that Jesus walked, carrying my crosses and denying myself all along the way, trying to do what He did, say what He said, heal others as He did, bring justice and mercy, hasn't been easy, but i would never go back...every bit of this road has been worth it!!!

Liz Harrell said...

Let's see; probably when I came back to Christ, broke up with my doped out fiancee and rebuilt a relationship with my mother. Um yeah, that's it. :)

Anonymous said...

A few life changing events come to mind but the one most recent and fresh in my mind is the passing of my dear step father, "Daryl", on Friday, November 16th, 2007. It was my first real death experience and a horrible one, yet many good things have come from it. In an instant, my relationship with my husband, mother and brother, and even extended family, matured. We value life more now and we talk and laugh about things he said or did. And we are most assured by the thought of his spot in heaven next to the Heavenly Father!

By the way, you aren't pregnant are you? I'm excited for this big announcement!!

Anonymous said...

the birth of my son. 'nuff said.

Sarah Rose said...

This is so cliche, but one of the most life changing things to happen to me was the birth of Phoebe. Having a Little has really drawn me closer to the Lord in ways I never could have imagined, brought Michael and me closer together, and really just made me look at life with a new perspective.

Sarah Rose said...

Oh and, I finally managed to post about your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would say accepting Christ into my life as Lord and Savior would be the biggest turning point because it changed my entier life!

Anonymous said...

HMM so I get to choose a 2nd answer (since I posted your blog on my site) - I would say getting married. It has almost been 2 years and has been such a great blessing to me.

Angie Yeats said...

My most life changing event has been the transracial adoption of my 4 beautiful children and how I had to lay everything aside and trust God's plan for my life!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Deciding to have a relationship with God, not just "go to church" would be a defining moment...but other than that I have another life changing event coming up which I will blog about soon!


The Shillingburg's said...

Jesus, Husband, Baby! Life could not could get any better!!

The Shillingburg's said...

Second comment!

jeffsgal212 said...

Realizing that if I didn't give my worry of my daughter's epilepsy to the Lord, I wouldn't be able to live...I felt like worry and sadness were killing my spirit. It wasn't until He picked me up and said, "She's my daughter too, you know...I love her more than you can realize...let Me do my work in her." Through her diagnosis of multiple disabilities, this word from Him has been my rock.

Ms. Shaeffer's Superstars said...

Accepting Christ, Marrying my husband, and soon the birth of our first child.

Jessica said...

The most life changing event?!? Accepting Christ. Secondly...marrying my husband.

Both were/are awesome experiences that I cherish dearly!


Jessica said...

I posted on my blog!

Casey said...

July 29, wedding day! : )

Shala said...

My husband. God sent us to each other and saved us from the lives we were headed for at the ripe old age of 19. 14 years later we are still each others rocks and can survive anything together with God.

Unknown said...

first and foremost is my salvation because without Him my life would be hell...literally. Next was deciding to marry at the age of 19 while still being in nursing school! Wow...have I learned a lot and have a ton more to learn. Thanks!

Aunt Julie said...

The single most life-changing event in my life was the birth of my children. Without them I would not be complete.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Well there have been many life changing events, but knowing the Lord, keeps me changing. I want to alway be more of what He wants me to be. He changes my attitudes, my wants and desires and is the only one that brings true contentment to me.

Alison Mayes said...

Like many before me, the most important event in my life was my salvation and then marrying my hubby!

Natasha said...

Putting my trust and God and then seeing Him perform a miracle by blessing me with a child after 5 years of infertility.

Heathahlee said...

When I was 23 weeks pregnant with my son I began pre-term labor and had to have emergency surgery and stayed in the hospital several days, then went home to stay on bed rest through the rest of the pregnancy. As soon as I found out there was a problem, I knew the Lord was with me and was going to take care of me as well as my baby. The journey of faith, struggle, and hope changed my life more than any other event other than the day I accepted Christ.

Ripley F. :-) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ripley F. :-) said...

Sorry about my other post...I messed up... I guess my most life changing event is knowing that God does everything for a reason!! It was a special time...

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