Now, I'm a HUGE fan of Pottery Barn, Better Homes & Gardens, Good House Keeping, and Martha Stewart. I loooove them. And all of the many hours I've spent drooling over their furniture, wall papers, home decor, and immaculate appliances, never once have I seen these.

I'm not sure it would be safe for me to have one of these in my house...I don't want the world to know what I really eat. Don't judge me because my freezer is crammed with Chunky Monkey Ben & Jerrys! Or 5 boxes of Little Ceasar's Pizza!
Now, this one is kind of cool, I think. I already have the front load, stackable washer/dryer set, and I love it. Who doesn't want to be mezmorized for hours by their laundry rotating in this glow in the dark machine? I would be drawn to it like a moth to a flame...
For more info, check out New Transparent Household Electronics.
So, what do you think of these new applicances? Tell us what you really think...
11 lovely comments:
Cool! At least, the washer is cool...the fridge not so much. For one thing, the laundry would actually be doing something you could watch.
With the clear refrigerator you'd have to make sure it was clean all the time and would probably end up spending a lot of time arranging things in a "decorative" way! :D
Interesting concept though...
I thought you were going to be talking about the fridges and dishwashers and such that have cabinet panels on them so they "blend in", but then I didn't think those were anything very new.
Very interesting. I just finished my bible study/prayer time and I guess all I could think of was how we are like these appliances...with our Lord...He sees and knows everything about us! Our appliances that we all have now may look pretty on the outside and functioning but we don't really want anyone to open the washer and SEE all of our dirty laundry or open the refrigerator and see what we "fill" ourselves with or don't keep the shelves clean (my biggest problem...which when you think about it is really something very easy to take care of...much like our sin.)
Well, I love this...I was unaware of such if they could just find a way to do away with the food I consume (after my morning walk...shakey sweaty...I ate TWO graham crackers with peanut butter....1 whole glass of milk...and 5 whoppers...and it is only 9:30 a.m.!!! Excuse...I must now go clean out my VISIBLE frig! Have a great day! Love the post! and Happy Almost 3rd Wedding Anniversary! Love, mom oxoxox
Wow! Where do you find all of these crazy items each Tuesday? That is insane!!!!
i agree about the fridge... i definately would not want people to see inside mine. but i really like the washing machine! maybe it would encourage me to do laundry just to watch it ;)
I'd hate to HAVE to keep the fridge clean at all times! Or like you, get judged for what's in my fridge!
Where do you find this stuff?
Oh no, couldn't have a transparent fridge!! All of my secrets would be revealed!!!
Wow. I definitely would not like the fridge... unless it came with cardboard cutouts to stick in front of and hide the food you really eat.. :)
I wouldn't necessarily be embarrassed by what's IN my fridge. . . the freezer, maybe. But, the fact that it would need to consistently be cleaned because people could see inside.
honestly, i think the refrigerator is horrid! i'd have to keep mine clean every 5 maybe the washer/dryer would be cool for kids to watch...maybe then they'd want to help do the laundry! but i still wouldn't want them in my house...and i can't imagine how much they cost! but thanks for the entertainment :)
OHMYWORD...I so wish we could meet. I am in LOVE with Pottery Barn as well, and have tapped out many a post in their honor. I could live in that catalog.
Also, "no" to the clear refrigerator. Mine is so crammed full and not neat like that one. But, "yes" to the washer. How cool would that be...unless the water really gets dirty. Maybe I don't want to see what comes out of my clothes.
And, thanks for the prayers and encouragement on my blog. I covet any prayers from anyone.
yeah, my fridge never looks that neat. I don't think I want people seeing the jumble of leftovers and such. (although, maybe things wouldn't get lost in the back--you walk by the side and look in the side--oh! that is where it is!)
The washer and dryer would be pretty neat, though.
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