Friday, June 6, 2008

FGF - Help Meet Book WINNER!

Free Giveaway Friday WINNER!!!
This week's winner is:

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Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-06-08 12:46:41 UTC

That belongs to Susan! Congratulations Susan! Just email Kelly your address, and she'll make sure I get it!  I'm so excited for you, and hope that you enjoy it as much as I have!

(Courtsey of Ann Potter)

"Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl is a fantastic, incredible book for any woman to wants to be the best wife she can be to her husband (or learn how to ahead of time if you're not married yet!!!) Debi notes on the back,

"This book is written to lead [women] back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle."

I have enjoyed reading this book, from the viewpoint of being married almost 3 years, using this information to prepare myself to continue on the right foot, and look out for these things that she mentions causing hurt in marriages.

So, to enter in today's blog:
1) Leave one comment answering the follwing question.
2) Check back on SUNDAY afternoon for a winner, who will be chosen by
3) Tell EVERYONE to come and enter! Be sure to put my link on your blog!!!

What book have you read that has made an impact or change in your life?

WARNING!!! week I will be without computer/internet. That is why I am choosing the winner on Sunday this week. So I am sorry to let you all down for a whole enter week, but I have no choice with lack of internet. Don't cry, my friend. Its just one week.

11 lovely comments:

William, Megan and Avery said...

I know it's the cheesy answer... but the Bible!

SSSQ said...

I would say "And The Bride Wore White" It is written by Dannah Gresh. It is a book for teens and young women concerning sexual purity. It is a fantastic book that reminds you that you are called, chosen and created to give glory to your heavenly Father. A pearl of great price to Him. I highly recommend it.

~jaime riggs

Anonymous said...

"healthy sleep habits, happy child" ... it has helped ethan sleep a whole lot better; thus, no more sleep deprivation for me. =)

Anonymous said...

The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

Ms. Shaeffer's Superstars said...

"Sacred Marriage"...excellent book that makes you more aware of Christ's role in your marriage.

Anonymous said...

I know, I said I would not post...but I HAD to answer the question! Yes, Megan and I are soul mates...I ditto her answer...the Bible...but also a most recent discovery in a C.J. Mahaney book called, "The Cross Centered Life" It has made an outstanding impact on my life! I highly recommend it...PLUS...I read it in a day, small book, to the point and EXCELLENT...can purchase at LifeWay. There, my commercial is done. :D Also, will we be able to reach you by phone? And "What About Fez?" Did anyone comply to your cry for help?
Have a great weekend! I see that you got central air...JUST in time! Love, mom xoxoxoxo God Bless!

-Kelly said...

Baby Wise!!!

Alison said...

Ok, so I finally have time to comment. How's it going, by the way?
Ok, so the book I am choosing is "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. It opened my eyes to my role as a wife.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say The Five Love Languages! I am really bad at remembering books I've read and I'm sure there are several that have impacted me, but this is one I've read fairly recently in Small Group so it has stuck with me. There is so much great information for couples, and I think of what it taught me about Chris's love languages almost every day. Priceless!

Jess Hooley

Anonymous said...

I love Redeeming Love.

Val said...

Five Love Languages, it's for your spouse and they also have a section for children.

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