It's a bit brisk here at The Pink Potpourri headquarters. It was 62 degrees on the way in this morning. Brrrr...
But luckily, cooler temps make for the most wonderful days spent outside. Saturday afternoon, I "manned up", put on some gardening gloves and attacked the invasion of weeds in our front yard. It was a beast. Seriously.
Well, I got 3/4 of the way done, and almost collapsed. I had to go inside and lay down. Wuss, I know. But, safety first, folks!
Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed a family bike ride downtown. We went on the riverfront, over to the skateboarding park, and down the streets of the city.

Fez LOVES riding in the bicycle basket. He fits perfectly. We trained him with his leash on, and now that he's such a pro, he doesn't need it anymore. He's a big boy now. He's 3 :)

LOOK at this most beautiful chandelier! Look familiar? Well, how about if it was all black :) And look at those cute penguins!

Anyways, Happy Monday! And thanks to everyone for your Thoughts about the Swap! I'll let you know this week what the verdict is!
15 lovely comments:
Why is there a chandelier hanging outside?! How very peculiar. Hmmm...I love it!
Well, I love your comments and pondering thoughts of your weekend! What fun to ride your bikes...remembrances of Macanac Island! The weather here up north from you is a bit brisk as well and beautiful! LOVE IT! We had so much fun with you and Zack this weekend and Ms. Elle misses her friendly fez! We plan to spend much of our day out of doors...for the pounding of the destruction of the shower is a bit on the harsh side. Big Red does not mind...she just pounds to the beat...of a different drummer, that is! Love, mom oxoxoxoxoox
Now I need a bike like that so I can put my long-haired chihuahua in the basket on front. I love that idea and I think she'd be in doggie heaven if I did that!
What a lovely weekend! It looks like you guys had a great time. And a chandelier outside!?! I love it! Now, I want to get a bike with a basket for my dog to ride in. I can't believe he stays in it!
Oh I would LOVE it if it were 62 degrees this morning. Ahh, I can't wait for Fall! Cute pictures--a chandelier outside it a bit strange, especially because that one is so pretty!
Ugh, back to Monday and work. Glad you had a good weekend. I am curious, also, where there is a chandelier outside.
Looking forward to see what the swap will be.
Have a lovely day~
Fun weekend! I wish it was a little cooler than hell here so that we could get outside. Any outdoor labor has to be done by about 9:30 or it's just sweltering.
Any ideas on where to get a basket big enough for our precious Dixie? :)
62 degrees??? i am so jealous! its over 90 here at 8:00 in the morning, haha...and i love the chandelier outside, so cool!
Your bicycle trip looks like it was so fun! I haven't owned a bike since I was a teenager. I miss it!
I miss riding bikes! How did you teach your dog to ride in the basket?
Looks like you had a fun bike ride!!
I'm so excited for the swap... :-)
Where do you guys live? Are you working or in school? Just wondering! email me at
It looks like you had a very nice weekend. I will admit I had to look for the penguins lol.
Ha, I like the penguins!
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