Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thoughtful Thursdays: Money & Tithing

Have you ever shopped on Craigslist? I am addicted to that site. We have gotten SO many things for our home on there...leather couch, chi straightener, cookie/cake decorating items...I love it! We have also sold many items on there as well. Reasonably priced, of course.

Every so often, I will catch an item being sold for a ridiculous amount of money. Who wants to pay money for a broken chair? Or a half used bottle of soap? Because the world is so obsessed with money, some people feel as though selling their used sneakers for $100 is a fair price.

I think to myself, "Why not donate? Why not give your items to those in need, instead of trying to get every last cent out of it?" And it also reminds me that nothing in this world belongs to us, including every penny in our pocket.

In 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, it says "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparlingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under complusion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

I saw this article headline today: "Only 5% of adults tithed last year, Barna survey says ". Click on the link and check it out on Baptist Press. An eye opener, isn't it?

8 lovely comments:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for referring us to the Baptist Press...yet, I have a hard time understanding how "Christians who see tithing in the Old Testament, somehow, make their own judgment as to not having to "tithe" because they don't see that in the New Testament. What about the entirety of God's Living and Active Word and even then, don't we tithe out of obedience and Love for our Lord? Well, that is all I have to say about that. I know, thank goodness. :D
I loved your post and it made me search my own heart. Thank you. So often, I purchase a little "happy" allowing myself to do so because it is inexpensive...but those little "happys" add up and I could be placing it somewhere for someone else's need instead of my want.
Well, I look forward to seeing you and going shopping! :D ho hum. Have a joyous day! We have much to be thankful for! Love you... always,mom xoxoo

*K said...

Even though I am a poor college kid, I still try to remember to tithe.

Last month, I was writing my check before church started and told my mom that I hoped my tithing checks got bigger as I graduated college - I had just wrote a $16.00 tithing check. haha.

Thanks for the great post!

Anonymous said...

Love it when God speaks through His word...He just led me to the same verses during my quiet time yesterday! Thanks for sharing your heart

Ariel said...

I'm so glad you shared this. It's so easy to get caught up in how blessed we are and want more and more. There are so many less fortunate.

Angie said...

My parents were over tonight, and we were talking about people who have the ABILITY to give ... but not the heart.

It's sad.

Great post, by the way. I love your blog!!!

Heathahlee said...

Well, after typing a comment that was as long as the Magna Carta, I decided that I sounded WAY too judgemental. We do tithe. I feel like God's Word is God's Word, and even though Christ has freed us from the law, His guidelines for giving are relevant, no matter what. And I'd rather give my 10% than do what the early Church did and sell all they had and share it with everyone else! :)

I wish, however, I had more of a giving spirit when it comes to other forms of my time, my attention, etc.

Sarah Rose said...

I'm getting caught up on some blog reading, so I just came across this today... that is such a sad, sad statistic to hear.
I am, on my own, very "tight" with my money; I am so thankful that my sweet husband is recklessly generous, and that generosity is such a blessing. God is so faithful to bless those who are obedient -- not necessarily a financial blessing, but the blessing is still absolutely there. What a great reminder this post was to continue to be faithful in obedience, even when it's difficult.
Also... when our internet gets fixed, I want a craigslist tutorial!

20Birds said...

love this post... i think we are supposed to do more than tithe... tithe is the lowest bar...

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